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Virtual meetings, dispersed workforces and virtual reality - is real estate doomed?

Richard Pickering, Head of Futures Strategy at Cushman & Wakefield and author or Futures Cut, will be giving a presentation on the threat of digital substitution and the future of real estate. His presentation will raise some provocative and pertinent questions regarding the future of real estate in the digital age, and how investors, owners and  lenders can gain a competitive advantage and manage the threat of substitution. He will also give some real-world examples of how organisations are already using digital experiences, technology & data to their advantage.

Breakfast will be provided and networking will follow.

08.00 reception and breakfast
08.30 seminar starts
10.00 close

Date: 04 September 2019
Start: 08:00
Capacity: 140
Remaining: 44
Price: FREE
Cushman & Wakefield, 125 Old Broad Street, London EC2N 1AR
Limit p/person: 1
Contact: events@the-apl.com

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