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Legal seminar hosted by Brecher. 


The seminar will take place on 13 February 2019 at 8:3at the 64 North Row, Mayfair, London, W1K 7DA and will cover the following:


1.     Mid-market loans: what could possibly go wrong?

2.     To LMA or not to LMA, that is the question...


Breakfast will be served from 8:30 with the seminar commencing promptly at 09:00. 

Date: 13 February 2019
Start: 00:00
Capacity: 34
Remaining: 0
Price: FREE
64 North Row, Mayfair, London, W1K 7DA
Limit p/person: 1
Contact: steffan@beaufortcapital.co.uk

This event can be booked on-line. Please click the ‘Attend Event’ button to enrol and pay or ‘Contact Us’ to enquire further.

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