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The UK Commercial Property Lending Market: A joint event with the APL, BPF and CREFC Europe

Join us for three presentations and review on the findings of the 10-year real estate lending market cycle – where are we today, what are the major changes banks, regulators and borrowers have made and what can we expect from here.

This is an educational seminar providing a critical review of lending market cycle highlighting current issues and potential future risks associated with the market. There is time for debate and questions following the presentations.

Chair:                  Hans Vrensen, AEW, MD, Head of Research & Strategy


Where are we in the lending cycle? – 10yr after the GFC

Nicole Lux, Senior Research Fellow, Cass Business School, City University

Changes in the German lending market 2008 – 2018, Markus Hesse, IREBS Regensburg

Regulatory changes and their impact - Alistair McGillivray, Partner, Clifford Chance

Please note: The event will be off the record and is closed to media.

This event is open to IPF, APL, BPF and CREFC Europe members only and is free of charge.

CPD: Qualifies for 1.5 hours

Date: 17 October 2018
Start: 08:15
Price: FREE
Member Price: £0.00
Pinsent Mason, 30 Crown Place, London EC22A 4ES
Limit p/person: 1
Contact: events@the-apl.com

This event cannot be booked on-line. Please click the “Contact Us” button to email the organisers of the event.

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