Helping Disabled Kids to Thrive
Earlier this year, when travelling across town was the norm, Neil Odom-Haslett and Stefan Goold visited Kids to hand them over a cheque for £12,500 from the proceeds of the APL’s Annual Fund Raising Dinner.
An established national charity since 1970, KIDS leads the way in providing disabled children and their families with support to thrive, not just survive. They ensure disabled children from birth to 25 have the opportunity to learn, play, build friendships, gain confidence and improve their well-being while providing vital time, emotional and practical support to parents and siblings.
Through the service, KIDS Early Years Practitioners will visit the family home and provide one to one support alongside the parent; helping to maximise the cognitive development with the aim of preparing the child for mainstream nursery where they have a much higher chance of reaching their potential in education and in life. They support children with any disability; some of whom have extremely complex needs and life-limiting conditions requiring specialist and targeted support.
Here’s how the donation will directly help their Early Years Support across London:
Increase their resource to support more children on the waiting list, giving them the vital intervention they need to maximise their development and reach their potential.
Run workshops for parents whose children are going through assessment for autism spectrum disorder, teaching parents about the importance of child-led play, communication skills and behavioural strategies.
Start ‘play and stay’ sessions to offer at least some short-term support to some of the children on their waiting list, and vital respite for their family care-givers.